Welcome to CHFA Asset Management—we look forward to helping you manage your property and reach your goals!
Find Your Asset Management Officer
Follow the step-by-step instructions below to get started.
These steps will streamline your onboarding and familiarize you with all the resources CHFA Asset Management has to offer.

Step One: Register for Insight.
Login to Insight to access your account and sign-up for loan information, statements, loan history, or to make a payment. New in 2024: Annual Owner Certifications (AOCs) are only accessible through Insight and require electronic Owner signature and submission. CHFA is sharing information on this new process via the CHFA Multifamily Program Compliance eNews. Once registered, you will be able to view your property’s dedicated Program Compliance Officer. Please refer to the Insight User Guide – Multifamily Customers to learn more.
Step Two: Register for NextGen.
Login to NextGen to manage your required tenant certifications, if applicable. NextGen is a web-based application used to collect tenant occupancy and demographic data for properties with Housing Tax Credit or CHFA loans. If your property has project-based Section 8, please continue to submit your tenant data through HUD’s TRACS system, unless instructed otherwise.
Step Three: Register for CHFA eNews.
Stay on top of compliance requirements, access new learning opportunities, and never miss a due date! Choose the eNews that you find of most benefit here.
- chfareach (chfareach updates, training info, etc.)
- Commercial Loan Servicing (Payment, escrow, insurance, tax info)
- Multifamily Program Compliance eNews (Compliance updates, news)
- Section 8 (Program news and compliance updates)
Step Four: My Account page
Visit the My Account page, your one-stop shop for information and resources.