As your LIHTC compliance resource, we have provided compliance manuals, program forms, training opportunities, and online tools to help you stay on top of LIHTC compliance regulations.
HOTMA Guidance and Pre-HOTMA Materials
This website has been updated to reflect the HOTMA regulations that must be implemented in full for Housing Tax Credit and CHFA Loan developments no later than July 1, 2025.
Multifamily Program Compliance Manual
This compliance manual answers questions regarding procedures, rules, and regulations with CHFA multifamily programs.
CHFA NSPIRE Reference Guidebook
This guidebook provides a condensed overview of the National Standards for the Physical Inspection of Real Estate (NSPIRE) as they pertain to CHFA’s multifamily programs.
Utility Allowance Policy for Housing Tax Credit and Multifamily Loan Developments
Average Income
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Land Use Restriction Agreement (LURA)
Specific requirements for each property are detailed in the property's regulatory agreement or Land Use Restriction Agreement (LURA). Find your LURA and other governing documents through Insight.
Training Schedule
Attention New Tax Credit Developments
The Qualified Allocation Plan requires that at least one mangement representative and one ownership representative attend a CHFA session or a compliance training session approved by CHFA prior to receiving their IRS Form(s) 8609 from CHFA.

Providing Housing for Individuals in the Event of a Federally Declared Disaster
Individuals displaced from their principal place of residence by a federally designated major disaster may reside in LIHTC properties in Colorado, despite income requirements, with consideration of other requirements established in law.
Owners of LIHTC properties who wish to provide temporary emergency housing to displaced individuals must have written approval from CHFA to do so. To learn more and obtain the necessary forms that must be completed and approved in advance.