CHFA wants to help increase small-scale and middle income housing throughout Colorado to help assist with nontraditional, unique, and greater need housing. 

Cover Image Survey Blue Sky

Colorado Affordable Housing Developer’s Guide

The intention of the Guide is to help support local for-profit and nonprofit developers, community leaders, and advocates seeking to ensure that safe, decent, and affordable housing is an intentional and integrated part of their community fabric. The Guide is dedicated to all Coloradans who are seeking housing stability and economic prosperity. We hope this resource paves a path forward for a brighter and stronger future for the entire state. 

Small-scale Housing Technical Assistance

2025 Technical Assistance Deadlines
Round One: February 14
Round Two: June 27 (Tentative)

The program helps catalyze small-scale affordable housing developments by providing access to an affordable housing consultant and pre-development grant assistance.

Potential small-scale projects, of 25 units or less, may apply for affordable housing planning and development technical assistance (TA) services and pre-development grants to further their work.

  • 25 units or less
  • For sale or for rent
  • New construction, acquisition/rehab, or preservation
  • Grant for direct expenses available. 

Technical Assistance Documents

A well-landscaped small-scale multifamily development

CHFA Small-scale Technical Assistance Webinar

This webinar is intended for those interested and prospective applicants. Topics covered include a review of eligible applicants and project types, including neuro-inclusive housing and pre-development activities. It also includes details on how to apply and program takeaways. Recorded July 2023.

2024 Technical Assistance Investment

January 1 to December 31, 2024


Technical Assistance Investment


Technical Assistance Hours


Technical Assistance Rounds

Additional Resources

For additional resources check out CHFA's Resource Library. For training opportunites, visit chfareach.


Please contact us if you have any questions about Technical Assistance.