

CHFA is Colorado’s trusted partner for affordable and responsible homeownership.

Through our statewide networ​k of approved lenders, we offer ​home purchase loans and grants; and second mortgage loans for down payment and/or closing cost assistance. We also sponsor free homebuyer education across the state in English and Spanish to help prepare you for homeownership.​

Prospective Homebuyers

Current Customers, Lenders, and Partners

Three generations of women sitting a step

CHFA FirstGeneration and FirstGeneration Plus

Homeownership isn’t just for now—it can help build generational wealth for the future. CHFA FirstGenerationsm can help you begin your legacy of homeownership.

Up to $25,000 down payment 

  • Repayment deferred until events such as payoff of first mortgage loan, sale or refinance of home, or if the home is no longer your primary residence.
Image of the Homebuyer's roadmap tool

Homebuyer’s Roadmap

Use this interactive resource to visit stops on the homebuying journey which highlight various aspects of buying a home and homeownership. You can follow the stops in order or select the stop of most interest based on where you are in the homebuying process. Dig deeper into topics you’re interested in using the additional resource links throughout.
How to Get a CHFA Loan thumbnail

How to Get a CHFA Loan

Interested in CHFA for homeownership? Learn the basic requirements to get a CHFA loan and the first steps you should take to get started.

CHFA believes in responsible, affordable homeownership. Through our statewide network of CHFA Participating Lenders, we offer home purchase loan programs, grants, and second mortgage loans for down payment/and or closing cost assistance.

2024 Homeownership Highlights

January 1 to December 31, 2024


Total homeowners served with loans


Homebuyer education customers served


Invested in down payment assistance


Invested in first mortgage loans

Foreclosure Prevention

CHFA helps homeowners at risk of foreclosure connect with HUD-approved housing counselors. 

We also sponsor Colorado Housing Connects, 1.877.601.HOPE (4673). One out of four households who meet face-to-face with a housing counselor avoids foreclosure. 

Contact Us

Home Finance
Home Finance

1981 Blake Street

Denver, CO 80202

Denver - Main Office
Denver - Main Office

1981 Blake Street

Denver, CO 80202

800.877.chfa (2432)