chfareach: CHFA's Advanced Housing Tax Credit Compliance: Scenarios and Q&A, Online Workshop

April 17, 2024 9:55am - 11:30am MT


This workshop is an opportunity for those who have completed CHFA's "Advanced Housing Tax Credit Compliance" on-demand webinar series to ask follow-up questions on the training material. Bring your questions about how the federal Housing Tax Credit program is administered in Colorado.

Participants also work through several household income scenarios related to the webinar series.

The prerequisite to register for this session is completion of all modules of the chfareach on-demand Advanced Housing Tax Credit training. Registration for the modules can be found at the chfareach on-demand webinars page or at this link:

  • CHFA's Advanced Housing Tax Credit Compliance (Full Training)

We recommend jotting down questions that remain as you proceed through the videos and study guides.

Questions for the presenters may be submitted in advance in the Attendee Hub at Visit your class under the Schedule tab (search 04.17.2024) and enter your question via the Q&A icon.

To keep the Q&A session focused, basic questions addressed by the videos will be referred to that resource.

This workshop is presented at no cost to participants.