chfareach: Your Personal Brand, Professionalism and Promotability, Online Workshop (HPI)

February 13, 2024 8:55am - 11:00am MT


Location: Attendee Hub (

Log in: 8:55am MT

Class: 9:00am-11:00am MT

Looking to grow in your career, or get that next promotion? Have you ever thought of yourself as a "brand"?

Like any brand or logo, your "personal brand" tells the world what to expect of you. It represents your values and credibility as a professional. 

By becoming aware of the image you currently portray and getting some ideas on how to show up stronger, you have the opportunity to intentionally design a personal brand that is authentic and highlights your best traits. 

You may leverage your brand to create a future in which others can take you more seriously, in which you attract new opportunities or make more money. 

Do you want to rise to new levels of professionalism and income? Define and polish your personal brand with our professional image expert.

Cost: $75 member; $85 nonmember

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