chfa small-scale housing technical assistance applications now being accepted
CHFA is accepting applications for participation in its Small-scale Housing Technical Assistance program. The program helps catalyze small-scale affordable housing developments by providing access to pro bono affordable housing consulting and pre-development grant assistance.
What projects are eligible? Potential small-scale projects are defined as 30 units or less. These units can be for-rent or for-sale housing. The project can be new construction, acquisition/rehabilitation, or preservation.
Projects must address affordable housing needs, which means 75 percent of the units must serve households earning at or below 120 percent of Area Median Income (AMI), and 20 percent of total units must serve households earning 80 percent AMI or below.
What are eligible pre-development activities? Examples of eligible pre-development work include: community engagement, market studies, site identification, site feasibility, soils study, environmental site assessment, project visioning and conceptualization, financial modeling, real estate planning, cost estimating, architect and design concepts, and energy-efficiency and performance modeling.
How do I apply? Complete the pre-application form in order to evaluate readiness to proceed. Share your project vision and description, and capacity to leverage resources (e.g., staff, financial, and community support).
Next, selected applicants will participate in a one-hour concept meeting with CHFA and the technical assistance consultants to evaluate the proposed project and necessary consulting support to advance the project to success.
Click here for more information. Pre-applications are due by March 25, 2022.