
chfareach: Mandated Reporting, Webinar

September 14, 2023 9:55am - 11:30am MT


Location: https://cvent.me/A8rk38

Log in: 9:55am

Class: 10:00am to 11:30am MT

Am I a mandatory reporter? When do I report? To whom do I report? Will I be violating HIPPA if I report this?

When we suspect a resident is being abused or exploited, or a resident is a danger to themselves, many questions can arise alongside our concerns for the resident's safety. This webinar will discuss the newest legislation and best practices for you to follow as a mandated reporter.

Participants will:

  • learn about the legal obligation to report resident issues, including recent elder abuse prevention law and the newest revision in the Duty to Warn statute;
  • review the definitions related to child abuse and neglect, and abuse, neglect and exploitation of elders and at-risk adults;
  • use case studies to discuss the critical boundaries between confidentiality, customer rights, and reporting requirements;
  • review the components of necessary documentation. You will come away with three sample formats for case documentation, and tips to write more efficiently and with a higher level of professionalism.

Cost: $50 nonmember

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