Offer your business customers fixed rate, longer term loan options for the purchase of commercial real estate and capital equipment.

Commercial Real Estate Loan Programs
CHFA Direct Real Estate Loans
Use this to finance established businesses in Colorado seeking long term, fixed rate financing for owner-occupied commercial real estate and equipment.
- Long terms (up to 20 years for real estate)
- Fixed interest rates
- Up to 85 percent financing available
- Does not come with SBA fees, no limitation based on business location
CHFA SBA 504 Real Estate Loans
Use this to finance established businesses in Colorado seeking long term, fixed rate financing for owner-occupied commercial real estate and equipment.
- Long terms (up to 20 years for real estate)
- Fixed interest rates
- Up to 90 percent financing available
CHFA Rural Development Loans
Use this program for your business customers in rural communities with populations of less than 50,000 to finance owner-occupied commercial real estate and equipment purchases. The maximum loan size is $500,000.
- Long terms (20 years for real estate; 10 years for equipment)
- Fixed interest rates; below market in specific areas
- 90 percent financing available
- No prepayment penalties