The Colorado Brownfields RLF provides loans for the clean-up of environmentally contaminated commercial sites.

What is a Brownfield?
Projects are eligible for application once the owner has submitted an approved clean-up plan through the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment's (CDPHE) Voluntary Clean-up Program.
By using this program, you are preparing your site for future use and enhancing the local community. Specific benefits include:
- Statewide availability
- Flexible financing
- Reduced interest rates
Eligible Uses
- Cleanup actions associated with removing, mitigating or preventing the release or threat of a release of a hazard substance, pollutant, or contaminant.
- Removal activities, including demolition and/or site preparation that are part of site cleanup. Loan funds may not be used for pre-cleanup environmental response activities, such as site assessment, identification, and characterization.
Get Started
Lenders, developers, businesses, and municipalities may contact the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) or CHFA for a loan application.
CHFA Community Development Lending
- 303.692.3398
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